Set students up for success via revolutionary training.

It gets students out of training.

Deeper knowledge anchoring

The human brain works in the way that our knowledge sticks best when we say it out loud - and repeat it. Over and over again.

Better mediating ability

The ability to convey is like a muscle - the more it is trained, the stronger it becomes. Repeated training will thus improve personal communication and communication skills.

Stronger mindset

Success experiences gained through training propagate as decreased nervousness, increased self-confidence and faith in one's own abilities.

One platform. Tailor-made content. Thousands of happy users.

What can be trained?

Here are examples of ways our customers are already using minday


Get better prepared students and higher professional skills, as well as the opportunity to alleviate exam anxiety.

Let students train their subject exams in advance with tailored exam simulations.


Few students there are more comfortable standing up in front of others and imparting their knowledge.

Have students work out classroom situations where they have to stand and present in front of a larger group so that they 'meet' the class beforehand.

Oral defense

Assist students in a stronger defense characterized by reflection and preparation, and avoid that limited dissemination stands in the way of good performance.

Have students train their defense of major written assignments by answering relevant questions and putting words to their assignment and reflections.

Apprenticeship applications

Getting an apprenticeship is essential for a vocational school student. Dress them well with appropriate training.

A student placement interview can feel like an exam to some. At the same time, the student placement interview has a different form than the usual exam. Let students become smarter about the conversation by training it in advance, and give them the opportunity to prepare as best they can.

Using Minday creates significant results

Surveys conducted among Minday users


of students who used Minday felt better prepared


felt that they performed significantly better on the exam than expected

Students will have access to.

! 01.

Exercises. The Minday app contains effective exercises that train the good presentation and management of nervousness.

! 01.

Exercises. The Minday app contains effective exercises that train the good presentation and management of nervousness.

! 02.

Personal notes. Upload notes and slides for use in the virtual presentation room. In this way, knowledge and messages are structured effectively.

! 03.

VR training. The students can train unlimited via smartphone - with or without VR glasses.

! 04.

Evaluation and feedback. After the end of the training, the session can be replayed, evaluated and possibly retaken. It can also be sent as a file for feedback.

! 01.

Exercises. The Minday app contains effective exercises that train the good presentation and management of nervousness.

! 02.

Personal notes. Upload notes and slides for use in the virtual presentation room. In this way, knowledge and messages are structured effectively.

! 03.

VR training. The students can train unlimitedly via smartphone - with or without VR glasses

! 04.

Evaluation and feedback. After the end of the training, the session can be replayed, evaluated and possibly retaken. It can also be sent as a file for feedback.

Exercise whenever you want.
Wherever you want.
As you like.
And as much as you want...

With Minday it is possible to train unlimitedly at your own pace and in a safe space - e.g. at home on the sofa.

And to make it easy for anyone to train with Minday, we've made it possible to access our VR workouts directly from a smartphone - without having to use VR glasses.

But if you prefer to use the computer - or want a more immersive experience with the use of VR glasses - then we have of course also thought of you.

We help you get started.

When you sign up for Minday, we make sure that you are dressed for implementation.

We offer:

  • Introductory workshop for all relevant staff such as teachers and study counsellors
  • Learn how to use the Minday app
  • Teaching materials to be used when rolling out to students
  • Possibility of tailor-made workshops for either employees or students

We are ready to help you get started.

Contact us today at
+45 7174 7179, and let's have a chat.

Nanna Lee Marstrand

Sales Manager +45 31500143

Book meeting

For support issues

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It's a super good app!
I have gone from being the very nervous student to being calm and the exercises have made me more confident, so I highly recommend this app!

Isabella Elmazovski, High School Student, 3.g

It is a great advantage that all students — and not just the nervous ones — can get help in dealing with stressful situations. There are exercises for everyone, and students themselves will find the exercises that fit best.

Lisa Knapp, Student Counsellor, Aalborg Cathedral School

I was extremely anxious about the exam, and regularly cried at the thought even though there were months until graduation. I now know that in the future I can go to any exam with my head held high.

Pernille Koch Ozol, High School Student, 3.g