What is the key to the good performance?

The answer is practice.

With Minday's simulation tool, it is possible to practice real-world situations and train communication and communication in a new and more effective way.

Why is VR training so effective?


Greater assertiveness in applying new knowledge


Better concentration and faster learning


Better understanding of subject matter and information compared to classroom teaching

Source: pwc.com

Why are reading, classroom teaching - and even e-learning - not powerful enough tools to build knowledge and know-how?

The answer can actually be found in classical learning theory.

When reading and receiving classroom instruction, only 15% knowledge anchoring is achieved. It's only when we start training - and practising putting our knowledge into practice - that it really sets in. This is why the concept of “learning by doing” was born.

Rooted in psychology and driven by technology, we offer a revolutionary soft skills simulation tool.

Read about our history and founder

Train with Minday directly on your smartphone

To make training with Minday both easy and convenient, we have made sure that you can access the app via your smartphone without using VR glasses.

But if you prefer to use a computer - or VR glasses for a more immersive experience - of course we cover that need too.

Soft skills training that focuses on learning by doing.

! 01.

Exercises. The Minday app contains effective exercises that train the good presentation and management of nervousness.

! 01.

Relevant content. Through a license key, you get access to customized content in the Minday app: both relevant courses and VR training.

! 02.

Personal notes. Upload your notes and slides for use in the virtual presentation room. That way you structure the knowledge and the messages effectively.

! 03.

VR training. Exercise unlimited via your smartphone - with or without VR glasses

! 04.

Evaluation and feedback. After the end of the training, the session can be replayed, evaluated and possibly retaken. You can also send it as a file for feedback

! 01.

Relevant content. Through a license key, you get access to customized content in the Minday app: both relevant courses and VR training.

! 02.

Personal notes. Upload your notes and slides for use in the virtual presentation room. That way you structure the knowledge and the messages effectively.

! 03.

VR training. Exercise unlimited via your smartphone - with or without VR glasses

! 04.

Evaluation and feedback. After the end of the training, the session can be replayed, evaluated and possibly retaken. You can also send it as a file for feedback

Want to know more?

Contact us today at
+45 7174 7179, and let's have a chat.

Nanna Lee Marstrand

Sales Manager

nanna@minday.io +45 31500143

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